Post 0 | We're glad you made it here!
Welcome to ThriftSpin!
We all know digital has taken over the music world. Who can argue against the appeal of instantaneous downloads, on-demand streaming and always-on access to any title imaginable? While we too, love the world of 21st century access to the music-verse, we think that something is missing in the ocean of likes, one line comments and skip-forward, random access to any music: curation and thoughtful insights to the music itself.
But wait …
You may already know that vinyl has made a comeback (uh, who would have ever predicted that?), but we think the comeback of vinyl is just a signal of a much more important phenomenon that is lost in the digital ether of cloud music players – namely, that people still really do want to interact with their music … physically. And yes, there are plenty of those rebels bucking the digital trend for that good ole analog warmth to treat their ears to, but we’re not here to proselytize vinyl.
Our mission is much bigger: We are here to help save ownership of physical media, while being mindful that owning too much stuff is to be carefully negotiated in a world that seems overtaken by consumpution. We could argue some other time about any corresponding shift in the quality of today’s music … but we don’t care about that.
We love music too much to care about that. And what we are really trying to accomplish anyway here is to share that love of music.
And have some fun and passion doing it.
And sprinkle some intelligent and engaging commentary in there.
While hoping for some luck and definitely saving a few pennies with some thrift.
You see, the digitization of music has killed traditional music stores (will they make a surprise comeback?) and other physical spaces where you used to be able to interact with the music you were interested in. Instead, much of today’s physical music purchasing has to occur in places you might not really be used to, like thrift stores.
And we like thrift stores … a lot.
You can find amazing music in the mountains of vinyl, CDs and tapes there. And much of it wallet friendly – a CD can regularly fetch for much less than a gallon of gas, and sometimes for less than a candy bar. And a lot of the music might be stuff you’ve never heard of or may not have been sure if it was worth the risk.
So consider ThriftSpin your musical guides to cheap, physical (and maybe virtual) tunes that you can find, perhaps in the most unsuspecting of places. See, we love to get our hands on music, and we love it even more with we find good music cheap.
That’s what this podcast and site are all about … exploring musical gems on the cheap or what we’re calling ThriftSpin.
We promise a few things from our content:
- we will have great time candidly sharing our love of music with you,
- we will share the music we love (and maybe a few we don’t love when they occur),
- we will do our best to find musical gems that are rare, surprising different and unique,
- we will share our tips and tricks for finding and listening to great music on the cheap.
Our inaugural episode will be a real treat, especially for those of you who like guitar … so hang tight and stay tuned.
Let’s do this!
~ Djanx and TSR